12:04AM 11/6/2024
doen wij mensen alles leven in een oligarchie demiurg? Ik soms denken, personen zie niet. alles ik zie is rood.
3:55AM 10/28/2024
10:00PM ish 08/27/2024 - Genesis of Website
Never really coded before. Have a vague interest in programming. Though I suppose HTML isn't a programming language, it's a markup language, right? I am Gen Z and have always had a distate for how boring the internet looks. I don't know how to de-link those four catogories. Suppose I'll do that later and just yap right now. My interest spawned when I saw this Yt short about this millenial woman who was remiscening about how people in the MySpace scene and generally would code their own websites, and it sort of blew my mind (as I am not knowledgable about the history at all or web software). I suppose I have been in a sort of spoonfed fugue, pruned off creativity. Everything feels so automated and regulated on the internet. Once I learn how to make seperate pages I'll make a journal page. I want to know how to make those sticker things.